Welcome Home

Welcome to the Fox Mill Estates Homes Association website. Our community is a beautiful neighborhood located in Herndon, Virginia that includes a top-notch elementary school, two pools, tot lots, gazebos, wooded streets, and a creek and pond.

Please scroll down to learn more about upcoming events and use the drop-down menus to explore our website!

Need help registering or logging in?
Contact us: webmaster@fmeha.org


Snowstorm Information and Request

We had a great response to my last email blast regarding shoveling sidewalks after the January snowstorm and I want to thank everyone for their efforts. 
Please be a good neighbor and offer to shovel the sidewalks of your neighbors who are unable or unavailable to do so. We don't want to put our neighbors at risk by forcing them to walk in the streets.
Please remember that the Virginia Department of Transportation is responsible for plowing the streets. If you have a complaint about your mailbox or driveway being blocked, please contact VDOT.
Stay safe and warm. 
Jeff Edelheit
FMEHA President
Andrew Phebus, ACC                       acc@fmeha.org
Member ACC Committee
All of our newsletters since April 1975 are in the drop down menu under HOME.
Dates subject to change so please visit FMEHA.org for updates.
Events will be advertised with more information in the newsletter, website, and Facebook as date nears.

Please contact the Committee Chair directly if you have a specific interest. 
Not sure, but just want to volunteer or wish to fill a chair vacancy?
Contact:  Volunteer Coordinator, Heather Albarano

Fox Mill Estates Is Featured In 
Virginia’s Fox Mill Estates keeps them coming back 
The article was in the print edition on Thursday, February 2, 2023. 
About Our Website
The  purpose of the FMEHA website is to promote a sense of community, keep residents informed, and make it as easy as possible for the residents of Fox Mill Estates to volunteer their time and resources. Your Board of Directors, committee chairs, and committee members are all volunteers. Consider being a volunteer too! Volunteer opportunities are listed in the drop down menu of “Members.”  
Residents must register to view all sections of this website.  This website has links for resident only viewing such as the resident directory, community photo albums, minutes, budget information, and forms. Additional information about the website and registering is in the first feature box on the HOME page under General Information. 
Go Paperless
If you would prefer to receive your copy of our quarterly newsletters via email in PDF format only and are not already receiving as such, please let us know and we will start only emailing you the newsletter. If at anytime you want to change back to the printed newsletter via USPS, just let us know. When making a request, please include your name and street address:  newsletter@fmeha.org

Need help registering or logging in? Contact us:  webmaster@fmeha.org
Meeting Information & Zoom Links
Please login to view this area.
Procedures for Snow/Ice Removal within Fox Mill Estates
Fox Mill Estates Homes Association Common Land Committee is responsible for clearing snow/ice from sidewalks along common land.
VDOT is responsible for clearing roadways.
VDOT contact information:
Status of plowing in northern Virginia neighborhoods www.vdotplows.org
Real-time traffic updates, follow @511northernva, use the 511 app or visit www.511virginia.org
Report unplowed roads, hazardous conditions to novainfo@vdot.virginia.gov 
General snow removal information: www.virginiadot.org/travel/snow.asp
Follow VDOT at www.facebook.com/VirginiaDOT, on Twitter @VDOT, and visit www.VirginiaDOT.org
Residents are responsible for clearing sidewalks in front of their homes.
Residents living on a pipe stem are responsible for clearing their pipe stems.  VDOT will not come on that property.  Please get with your neighbors and work out the plowing of your shared drive way.
Please clear snow off the sidewalks in front of your property so that all pedestrians, especially school children, those with disabilities and the elderly, may walk securely.
Please consider offering a helping hand to those who might not be able physically to complete the task of shoveling.
Thank you for doing your share to keep Fox Mill Estates sidewalks safe!
Online Dues
Fox Mill Estates Board Members
The FMEHA Board of Directors meets monthly and the meetings are open to the general membership. The Board appoints officers, committee chairperson, and approves members of the Architectural Control Committee (ACC).  The FMEHA is an all volunteer organization and its success is dependent on the active participation of its members.  Need to contact a FMEHA Board member or committee chair? Please use this handy reference:
President – Jeffrey Edelheit 2025-2027
Vice president - Heather Albarano 2025-2027
Secretary – Karen Conroy 2023-2025
Treasurer - Kathy Costello 2024-2026
Member at Large - Vacant 2025-2027
Please Note:
Unless otherwise noted, monthly Board Meetings are held on the third Wednesday of each month at 7:30pm. The Architectural Control Committee (ACC) holds monthly meetings on the first Wednesday of each month at 7:00pm.  Meetings are remote.  Sign in instructions for the remote meetings will be made available close to the meeting time by request for ACC and posted on the website for Board meetings. All homeowners are welcome to attend.