FMEHA Board and Committees

The FMEHA Board of Directors meets monthly and the meetings are open to our members. The Board appoints officers, committee chairperson, and approves members of the Architectural Control Committee (ACC).  The FMEHA is an all-volunteer organization and our success is dependent on the active participation of our members.  Need to contact a FMEHA Board member or committee chair? Please use this handy reference:
President – Jeffrey Edelheit 2025-2027
Vice president - Heather Albarano 2025-2027
Secretary – Karen Conroy 2023-2025
Treasurer - Kathy Costello 2024-2026
Member at Large - Josh Davis 2025-2027
Please Note:
Unless otherwise noted, monthly Board Meetings are held on the third Wednesday of each month at 7:30 pm. The Architectural Control Committee (ACC) holds monthly meetings on the first Wednesday of each month at 7:00 pm. Meetings will be virtual until further notice.  Sign in instructions for the Board Meetings will be made available close to the meeting time and posted on the website for Board meetings (See Home>Feature Box (on lower right)>+Remote Meeting Information). ACC meeting sign-in information can be obtained by request ( All homeowners are welcome to attend.
ACC Committee
Christopher Flynn, Chair
The ACC is responsible for reviewing and approving proposed exterior changes to a lot, structure, or home; and ensuring neighborhood compliance with the governing documents.  Your ACC helps promote qualities within our neighborhood that maintain and improve the attractiveness of Fox Mill Estates as a place to live, and that in turn helps protect our property values. 
Budget & Finance Committee
Kathy Costello, Chair
Responsible for the preparation of the annual Association budget, providing recommendations to the Board of Directors concerning anticipated sources and uses of funds and determining the potential need to increase/decrease annual membership assessments.
Common Land Committee
Steve Schirtzinger, Chair
Responsible for the maintenance, landscape and beautification of the common land and entryways in Fox Mill Estates. It also implements, designs, and contracts projects for beneficial use of the common land.
Communications Committee
Marjorie Crawford, Chair
Responsible for maintaining the community website; work with the Board and committee chairmen to publish a community newsletter four times per year.
Neighborhood Watch Committee
Steve Schirtzinger, Chair
Responsible for establishing a relationship with the local police department, organizing and training residents to be alert to potential crimes in the neighborhood and keeping watchful eyes on their neighbors’ homes. Communicate any noteworthy issues of concern via the newsletter or community website.
Nominating Committee
Karen A. Conroy, Chair
Responsible for making as many nominations for election to the Board of Directors as it shall in its discretion determine, but not less than the number of vacancies that are to be filled. Such nominations may be made from among members or non-members.
Roads Committee
Steve Schirtzinger, Chair
Responsible for informing the Board of actions concerning highway activities that affect the community. The committee investigates the impacts, recommends possible actions, and works with the county to develop viable alternatives where necessary to lessen the adverse effect of the project on the community.
Social Committee
Dana Hofferber, Chair
Marjorie Crawford, Member
Responsible for preparing the annual calendar of planned events. Responsible for organizing, planning, and implementing community events.
Volunteer Committee
Currently vacant, Chair
Responsible for recruiting and assigning members to committees.
Welcome Committee
Kate Hammond, Chair
Responsible for visiting newly relocated families once they have moved to their new Fox Mill Estates home and welcoming them. Provide new families with information such as community maps, library, hospital, transit information and the local professionals available in the community.