• chevron_right Do I need an application for a landscaping project?
    An application is not needed for the planting of shrubs, bushes, trees, or gardens.  However, the Guidelines specify that vegetable gardens must be in the backyard.  In addition, the Guidelines state that approximately 75 percent of the front yard and 75 percent of the side and backyard should remain as lawn.
    If the landscaping project involves the construction of a walkway, retaining wall, patio, fencing, or similar features, then an application is required.
  • chevron_right Where can I find more information about how to submit an application?
    Please refer to the Architectural Improvement and Exterior Maintenance Guidelines on the ACC page of the Fox Mill Estates’ web site.  The Guidelines describe FMEHA standards for various types of projects, the process for preparing and submitting an application, and the criteria the ACC uses for reviewing the project.
    A blank copy of the application is also on the web site.  A checklist is attached to the application. The checklist lets you know what information you should submit along with the application. 
  • chevron_rightAre house numbers required?
    The Guidelines require house numbers to be legible from the street or pipestem.  Fairfax County code requires house numbers to be affixed to the side of the house on which the main entrance is located.  (Chapter 102 of the Fairfax County Code, entitled "Streets and Sidewalks," outlines the specific requirements of the law.) 
  • chevron_rightCan a homeowner report a violation?
    Yes.  Homeowners are encouraged to take an interest in the appearance of the community.  Potential violations can be reported by contacting the ACC.  Complaints are anonymous.  The ACC can let you know when a property was inspected as the result of a complaint.  However, the actions taken by the ACC are confidential.
  • chevron_rightCan I change the color of my front door?
    The Covenants require color that changes be reviewed and approved by the ACC.  If you wish to paint your front door, or any other exterior part of your home a different color, please submit an ACC application. 
  • chevron_rightDo I need an application to make exterior repairs?
    If you are replacing damaged portions of an exterior feature, an application is not needed.  For example, missing shingles, damaged or loose siding, broken windows, rotted fence posts, and so forth may be replaced without application.  
  • chevron_rightDo I need to submit an application for a swing set?
    An application is required for playground equipment that is attached to another structure or tree, permanently anchored to the ground, or too large to be easily moved and stored out of site when not in use.
  • chevron_rightDo I need to submit an application to change my windows and siding?
    Yes.  The replacement of windows or siding is a change to a major exterior component of a home.  Usually there is an accompanying change in materials - aluminum to vinyl siding, wood to vinyl windows.  Even if the color of the new windows or siding is the same as the current colors, an application is still required.
  • chevron_rightDo I need to submit an application to cut down a tree?
    No.  An ACC application is not needed to remove tree.  However, if the process of cutting down the tree and removing the stump and roots disturbs more than 2,500 square feet of soil, then a Fairfax County permit is required.
  • chevron_rightMy contractor is ready to begin work, but I have not yet received approval from the ACC. Can the project begin?
    No.  Per the Covenants, the project must be approved before work commences.  However, if this situation arises, contact the ACC.  Generally speaking, appropriate arrangements can be made.
  • chevron_rightWhat happens after a violation is corrected?
    When you have finished correcting the violation, make sure you let the management company know.  The violation will be marked as closed.  However, we do not send out letters acknowledging the violation correction.
    If you do not inform the management company about a corrected violation, chances are you will receive follow-up violation notices.
  • chevron_rightWhat happens if I do not correct a violation?
    Uncorrected violations can cause difficulties when you try to sell your home.  The resale inspection will most likely note that there are outstanding FMEHA issues associated with your property.  Prospective buyers may not wish to assume responsibility for correcting these issues.  To avoid last minute delays, please make sure all exterior improvements have ACC approval and all maintenance violations have been corrected.
  • chevron_rightWhat is the purpose of an ACC Application?
    The ACC Application is the means by which you present your project proposal to the ACC for their review.  Your application should describe your proposed project in detail.  The ACC will review your project plans and then either approve them or disapprove them.
  • chevron_rightWhat is the purpose of the ACC?
    One of the responsibilities of the Fox Mill Estates Homes Association is the preservation of the appearance of the neighborhood.  To this end, the Governing Documents enumerate Protective Covenants and Restrictions, or, “Covenants” for short.  The Covenants require that the Board of Directors or an architectural committee appointed by the Board must approve modifications to a lot or to a home, prior to construction. 
    The Architectural Control Committee’s purpose is to ensure that intended exterior improvements meet community's standards as set forth in the Governing Documents, thus avoiding the problems that arise from the construction of improvements and the use of colors or styles that conflict with others in your neighborhood. The ACC exists to promote qualities in the neighborhood that bring value to the community by promoting the attractiveness and functional utility of Fox Mill Estates as a place to live.
  • chevron_rightWhen are ACC inspections?
    The ACC conducts an annual inspection of each property in Fox Mill Estates.  The annual inspection is generally in the spring.  However, inspections occur year round; violations can be cited whenever they are observed.
  • chevron_rightWhat's the mailing address for FMEHA?
    Mailings and business correspondence can be sent to the property management company for the FMEHA:
    Fox Mill Estates Homes Association 
    c/o American Management of Virginia 
    722 East Market Street, Suite 101
    Leesburg, VA 20176
    Community Manager, Bonnie King
    Email:  bking@amvirginia.com
    Phone:  703-771-3995 ext. 204
    Fax:  703-771-4185
    Assistant Community Manager, Hailey Kinkade
    Email:  hkinkade@amvirginia.com
    Phone:  703-771-3995 ext: 203
    To order Disclosure Packets select:
    Order Resale Packets
    For Homeowner Account information select: 
    Access Your Account Online
    If you want to email the FMEHA Board, or a Committee, please visit the Contact Us page.
  • chevron_rightI have been living in Fox Mill Estates for a long time and have no idea where to find information on our By-Laws and governing documents. Where can I get this information?
    All of our By-Law information and Association Documents can be found on our website the Forms page, or requested from a board member. This includes the guidelines covering the Deed Restrictions and Covenants that homeowners must follow.
  • chevron_rightResale Disclosure Packages - What you need to know.
    If you are selling your home, please be aware of the requirement for homeowners to provide a Resale Disclosure Package to a prospective Buyer. As a rule of thumb, if your house is on the market, you should order your Resale Disclosure Package from AMV early in the process to avoid closing delays. The Package includes an ARC Inspection of the property, to ensure the Buyers that the property meets all current Architectural Guidelines, and that all Exterior Changes and/or Additions have been properly submitted for Application and Approved over the history of the house. We many times find that Changes or Additions were made but were not properly Approved, leaving closing agents, management companies and sellers rushing around at the last minute to get all of the necessary Approvals prior to Closing. The Seller has the responsibility to make sure that all Exterior Changes and/or Additions have been submitted to the ARC Committee for Review and Approval. If you purchased your home “As Is” from the previous owner or from a bank, this process could have been waived, so it may be necessary for any changes to be documented prior to your selling the property. For example, 2 years ago a neighbor was moving and gave or sold you the shed or play set that was in their back yard. You dismantled and resurrected it in your yard, and now you’re ready to sell your house. The play set was not Approved, and obtaining the Approval could hold up your closing if not discovered until only days before hand. The Board is also considering a fine against the Seller in situations like this, as it is not the ARC Committee’s responsibility to make sure that a project is Approved prior to closing. If there are any undocumented changes on your house, please submit and ARC Application as soon as possible to avoid delays and/or fines.
  • chevron_rightWho is the management company for Fox Mill Estates?
    American Management of Virginia (AMV) is our management company and handles a variety of administrative tasks for the Association. 
    American Management of Virginia (AMV)
    722 East Market Street, Suite 100
    Leesburg, Virginia 20176 
    Community Manager, Bonnie King
    Email:  bking@amvirginia.com
    Phone:  703.771.3995 ext. 204
    Fax:  703.771.4185
    To order Disclosure Packets select:  Order Resale Packets
    For Homeowner Account information select: Access Your Account Online
    AMV handles the following:
    1. Maintaining Homeowner Accounts
    2. Sending Late Notices to Unpaid Accounts
    3. Tracking Unpaid Accounts in Collections
    4 Providing Free Online Payment Option to Homeowners
    5. Providing Online Account Information to Individual Homeowners.
    6. Tracking Architectural Violations, Fees, Fines & Hearings
    7. Tracking Applications for Architectural Changes
    8. Providing Real Time Financial Reports and Bank Account Activity to Board Members
    9. Assisting in Procuring Community Contracts
    10. Assisting Board with Community Improvements & Events i.e., Document Shredding
    Your paper dues assessment bill for $220 with your account number and mailing envelope will be arriving in your mailbox around January 15th. Payments are due on February 1, 2024. Please keep an eye out for them. If you do not receive your bill by January 22, 2024, please reach out to bking@amvirginia.com or hkinkade@amvirginia.com  so we can get it to you for a timely payment.                                                                                                                              
    Payments can also be made through Click Pay on the www.AMVirginia.com website.
  • chevron_rightHow much are FMEHA annual dues?
    Annual dues are $220 for 2024.
  • chevron_rightWhen are annual payments due?
    Your paper dues assessment bill for $220 with your account number and mailing envelope will be arriving in your mailbox around January 15th. Payments are due on February 1, 2024. Please keep an eye out for them. If you do not receive your bill by January 22, 2024, please reach out to bking@amvirginia.com or hkinkade@amvirginia.com  so we can get it to you for a timely payment.                                                                                                                              
  • chevron_rightIs there a grace period for dues which are not received by February 1?
    Yes. There is a 30-day grace period for late payments. After that, a late fee will be assessed by the system automatically. Please allow sufficient time for mailing and delivery. 
  • chevron_rightDoes the HOA grant waivers for late fees?
    Generally speaking, no waivers are granted after the 30-day grace period. Late fees begin to accrue 30 days after the due date of February 1.
  • chevron_rightHow much are the late fees?
    The Association assesses a late fee for all payments which are delinquent by more than 30 days. 
  • chevron_rightHow can I pay my dues?
    Below are the dues payment instructions:
    ·       The mailing address for dues payment is as follows: P.O. Box 30401 Tampa, FL 33630
    Please note that you will be sent a paper bill with mailing coupon.
    ·       For online payment by check or credit card, please use  ClickPay.com.
    Please note that there is a processing fee involved with all online payments.
    Questions? Please contact:
    Hailey Kinkade, CMCA®
    American Management of Virginia 
    Assistant Community Manager
    722 East Market Street #101
    Leesburg, VA 20176
    703-771-3995 – Office 
    703-771-4185 – Facsimile
  • chevron_rightWhat if I did not receive an invoice, do I still have to pay my dues?
    Yes, payment is due by February 1, regardless of whether you receive an invoice or not. 
    Your paper dues assessment bill for $220 with your account number and mailing envelope will be arriving in your mailbox around January 15th. Payments are due on February 1, 2024. Please keep an eye out for them. If you do not receive your bill by January 22, 2024, please reach out to bking@amvirginia.com or hkinkade@amvirginia.com  so we can get it to you for a timely payment.                                                                                                                              
    Payments can also be made through Click Pay on the www.AMVirginia.com website.
  • chevron_rightWhat if my payment got lost in the mail/ inclement weather prevented delivery/ my dog ate the check---is my payment still due by February 1?
    Yes, payments are due by February 1. However, a blanket, 30-day grace period is in place to help homeowners with extenuating circumstances such as these. 
  • chevron_rightArchitectural Control Committee
    Chris Flynn, Chair
    Responsible for reviewing and ruling on all exterior changes, additions, and improvements within Fox Mill Estates. The Committee’s purpose is to apply uniform guidelines in compliance with the standards set forth in the protective Covenants of Fox Mill Estates in order to maintain and improve the quality of the living environment and property values within Fox Mill Estates.
  • chevron_rightBudget Committee
    Karen Conroy, Chair
    Responsible for the preparation of the annual Association budget, providing recommendations to the Board of Directors concerning anticipated sources and uses of funds and determining the potential need to increase/decrease annual membership assessments.
  • chevron_rightCommon Land Committee
    Steve Schirtzinger, Chair
    Responsible for the maintenance, landscape and beautification of the common land and entryways in Fox Mill Estates.  It also implements, designs, and contracts projects for beneficial use of the common land.
  • chevron_rightCommunications Committee (Website, Newsletter, Facebook, Twitter)
    Steve Schirtzinger, Chair
    Responsible for maintaining the community website, Facebook page and Twitter page by updating and posting pertinent community information; work with the Board to publish a community newsletter four times per year.
  • chevron_rightNeighborhood Watch Committee
    Steve Schirtzinger, Chair
    Responsible for establishing a relationship with the local police department, organizing and training residents to be alert to potential crimes in the neighborhood and keeping watchful eyes on their neighbors’ homes.  Communicate any noteworthy issues of concern via the newsletter or community website. 
  • chevron_rightNominating Committee
    Karen Conroy, Chairman
    Responsible for making as many nominations for election to the Board of Directors as it shall in its discretion determine, but not less than the number of vacancies that are to be filled.  Such nominations may be made from among members or non-members.
  • chevron_rightRoads Committee
    Vacant, Chair
    Responsible for informing the Board of actions concerning highway activities that effect the community.  The committee investigates the impacts, recommends possible actions, and works with the county to develop viable alternatives where necessary to lessen the adverse effect of the project on the community.
  • chevron_rightSocial Committee
    Dana Hofferber, Chair
    Responsible for preparing the annual calendar of planned events.
    Responsible for organizing, planning, and implementing community events.
  • chevron_rightWelcome Committee (Updated)
    Stephanie Murguia, Chair
    Responsible for visiting newly relocated families once they have moved to their new Fox Mill Estates home and welcoming them with gifts from the local businesses.  Provide new families with information such as community maps, library, hospital, transit information and the local professionals available in the community.
Common Land
  • chevron_rightCan I use the pond to ...?
    No.  The pond is off limits for everything but looking at it. :)
  • chevron_rightCemetery Information
  • chevron_rightColonial Pipeline Company --- Pipeline Safety Information --- Facts You Need to Know
  • chevron_rightGuidelines for the Care and Use of FMEHA's Common Lands
    The common lands are and continue to be a great natural asset to our community. These lands were permanently set aside to maintain the natural beauty of the areas and to create natural buffers as well as to provide a form of recreation and education. They were established not for just today but for the future. They were established to enrich the lives of all those living within the community. Only through the cooperation of each individual member of this community is the preservation of these lands possible.
    The lands are:
    1. Owned by the Association.
    2. Maintained with dues paid to the Association.
    3. Provided for the enjoyment and benefit for all residents and their guests.
    We can help to insure the preservation of these lands if:
    1. The common lands are preserved in their natural state, (except for mowing done by or approved by the Common Land Committee).
    2. All plants, topsoil humas and trees are to be left undisturbed (except as approved in writing by the Common Land Committee).
    3. Pets are not allowed to run free.
    4. No wildlife is hunted or trapped.
    5. Neither fire arms nor air guns or B-B guns are discharged here.
    6. Property owners adjacent to common lands confine personal development of facilities to their own property (including gardens).
    7. No inorganic refuse is discarded onto these lands.
    8. Horseback riding is not permitted.
    9. Fires are started only in areas approved by the Board of Directors.
    10. Storm drains, ditches and gutters are kept free of debris and chemicals.
    11. County ordinance prohibits use of motor vehicles on common lands. Use of motor vehicles is considered a trespass on FMEHA’s property except for such as maybe necessary for maintenance and construction purposes.
    Violations of these guidelines are subject to corrective action by the FMEHA.
    Common land “concerns” should be directed to the chairperson of the Common Land Committee and complaints must be stated in written form for official action.
  • chevron_rightWhat are the rules for dogs in the neighborhood?
    Fairfax County has a leash law requiring dogs to be on a leash and under control at all times. Therefore, when dogs are walked in the neighborhood or through the Common Areas, they must be leashed. Dog owners are required to pick up after their pets and properly dispose of waste. The county also requires a license for dogs for $10. Applications for a dog license may be obtained from a vet or from the county, and needs to be renewed annually.
  • chevron_rightWho maintains the playgrounds and other common areas?
    The HOA is responsible for the maintanence of the Common Areas, including the playgrounds, recreational equipment, landscaping and mowing. To report a problem on the common areas, such as damaged property, fallen trees or misuse, please contact CommonLand@fmeha.org and or Board@fmeha.org. Any suspected illegal activity should be reported immediately to the police.
  • chevron_rightWho may use the common land?
    The Common Land and playgrounds are available to all homeowners & tenants and their guest from dawn until dusk, and remain closed overnight. Therefore, there is no overnight camping allowed. All amenities are available on a First Come, First Served basis. Reservations cannot be made for exclusive use of either the gazebos or the palygrounds. Residents are welcome to have family activities and gatherings in the common areas, just be aware that you may be joined by other residents. There is no electricity service or potable water supply available to any of the common areas. Please help keep our common areas clean by removing and properly disposing of waste. Dogs mush be on a leash. No motorized vehicles or horses are allowed on the Common Areas. There is no swimming, boating, fishing or skating allowed on the pond.
  • chevron_rightWhat are the rules for keeping chickens or bees?
    Chickens cannot be kept on your property in Fox Mill Estates per the Declaration, Article VII, para. 6 which states "No horse, pony, cow, chicken, pig, hog, sheep, goat or other domestic or wild animal shall be kept or maintained on any lot other than common household pets, provided that they are not kept, bred or maintained for commercial purposes."
    Bee hives should be kept in the back yard and must comply with Fairfax County regulations which state that the "keeping of honey bees in four (4) beehives or less shall be allowed as an accessory use on any lot. On any lot of 10,000 square feet in size or larger, more than four (4) beehives may be kept, provided there is an additional lot area of 2500 square feet for each hive."
  • chevron_rightWhat are those plastic caps in peoples lawn (large round white caps with square peg in the middle)?
    The pipes are cleanouts for the sanitary sewer lateral that runs from the house to the sewer main. A replacement cap can be purchased at Lowes or Home Depot for about $2.00. The square peg is so you can utilize a wrench to loosen the cap if it is stuck.
    (picture later)
  • chevron_rightWhere can I dispose tattered/worn American flags?
    The Reston Department of Parks and Recreation have a "box" in their first floor lobby where you can deposit flags to be properly retired.  The building is on the corner of Reston Parkway and Sunrise Valley Drive.  Here is the address:
    Department of Parks and Recreation
    Reston Association
    12001 Sunrise Valley Drive
    Reston, VA 20191-3404
  • chevron_rightWhat do we need to know about the pipestems?
    Q: Can Pipestems be used for parking in addition to a homeowner’s driveway?
    A: All vehicles should be parked only in areas designated for parking (such as a driveway or parking lot). Pipestems are jointly deeded and are for legal access to the properties located on the pipestem. Parking on a pipestem can block emergency and utility vehicles that may need to reach a home on the pipestem.
    Q: Are the pipestems Private Property?
    A: Pipestems are considered Private Property, but is NOT intended to be used as a “long private driveway” for long-term parking. Parking on a pipestem can block emergency and utility vehicles that may need to reach a home on the pipestem.
    Q: If pipestems are Private Property, who maintains them?
    A: The owners of the properties located on the pipestem are responsible for the upkeep and maintenance of the signage and asphalt.  Neither the county nor the FMEHA maintains the pipestem, including snow removal.  However, the FMEHA does have the right and responsibility to see that the pipestem is maintained by the homeowners.  The cost of maintenance is the equally shared responsibility of the property owners with deeded access on the pipestem.
    Q:  Where can I obtain additional information?
    A:  Virginia Code Sections 55-50.1 Enjoyment of Easement and 46.2-1211 Removal of Motor Vehicles Obstructing Movement
  • chevron_rightWho is responsible for the street sign on the pipestem?
    Pipestem signs, also called private driveway signs, are privately owned and maintained by the property owners on the pipestem. For information about purchasing a pipestem sign, call the Cashier's Office of the Department of Public Works and Environmental Services at 703-324-1520, TTY 711. Information on sign design requirements can be found in Chapter 7 of the County's Public Facilities Manual. 
Public Concerns
  • chevron_rightDoes Fox Mill have a No Solicitation policy?
    No. Fox Mill does not currently have a No Solicitation Policy.
  • chevron_rightReal or Toy Guns???
    Posted on Oct 4, 2010
    A police officer has only a split second to make a decision when dealing with guns. Looking at this gun, a police officer would treat it as being a real gun and take appropriate action to protect others and defend himself or herself. This is actually an air gun. However, it closely resembles the Sig Sauer guns carried by the Fairfax County Police Department. This toy was taken from an elementary aged child in Chantilly who thought it was “cool” to carry it in his pants to look tough. Other children reported the youth to adults.
    Fairfax County Code Section 6-1-2.1 Discharge of BB-guns, air pistols, air rifles and pellet guns in certain places prohibited.
    Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 6-1-2, a person may discharge a traditional BB-gun, air pistol, air rifle or pellet gun, which propels a projectile by means of energy released by compressed air, compressed gas, mechanical spring or a combination thereof, on a parcel of land containing at least one (1) acre of land in an area designated for the discharge of firearms or other guns in accordance with Appendix J to the Fairfax County Code. Provided, however, no person shall discharge any such BB-gun, air pistol, air rifle or pellet gun within one hundred (100) yards of a public school ground or a public park, and no person shall traverse a public school ground, or a public park while in possession of a BB-gun, air pistol, air rifle or pellet gun. Violation of this Section shall be punishable as a Class 4 misdemeanor.
    Fairfax County Code Section 6-1-6. Carrying and discharging of guns by minors.
    (a) It shall be unlawful for any minor under the age of eighteen (18) years to carry any gun or starting pistol on the public highways or public lands of the County, unless accompanied by an adult where the relationship of adult and minor is that of parent and child, guardian and ward or instructor and pupil.
    (b) This Section shall not apply to a gun carried unloaded in a completely closed carrying case or when completely and securely wrapped and not concealed on the person.
    (c) It shall also be unlawful for any minor under the age of eighteen (18) years to discharge a gun anywhere in the County unless in the presence and under the supervision of an adult bearing the relationship defined above in this Section. Any gun that projects a missile (air gun, paint ball gun, BB-gun) has great potential to injure someone if shot at close enough range. Education is the best prevention. Know the law and educate your children.
    Before buying your child a “toy” gun, ask yourself in that split second - “Does this look like a real gun or like a real toy?”
    (This article was copied from the November 2005 issue of the SULLY SPOTLIGHT.)
  • chevron_rightWhat can we do about a barking dog?
    If you own a pet, or if you are bothered by sounds from a neighbor’s pet, you should be aware of the February 2016 Fairfax County Noise Ordinance.  If the owner of the animal allows the animal to bark, howl, meow, squawk, quack or make other such sounds, the owner could potentially be in violation of the noise ordinance.  Specifically, during the evening hours between 10 p.m. and 7 a.m., an animal noise can be heard inside another person’s home with the doors and windows closed can be deemed excessive.  During the daytime hours between 7 a.m. and 10 p.m., excessive animal noise is defined differently.  Animal sounds that can be heard across property lines and persist continuously for 5 minutes or persist non-continuously for 5 minutes in a 10 minute interval, can be deemed excessive.
    An additional criterion must be met before reporting a noise violation.  Namely, the source of the animal noise must be discernible.  In other words, you must have a reasonable idea from where the animal sound originates.  You may report a noise violation to the Department of Code Compliance (703-324-1300) between 9:15 a.m. and 4 p.m.  Outside of these hours, contact the police non-emergency number at 703-691-2131. 
  • chevron_rightWhat should I know about hiring contractors?
    Be sure the contract includes the contractor’s name, address, phone and license number (if applicable). A contract should include details about what the contractor will and will not do. A detailed list of materials for the project should be included in your contract, with information such as size, color, model, brand name and product. The contract should include approximate start and completion dates. Study the design plans carefully. Insist that you approve them and that they are identified in your written contract before any work begins.
    Known as the “Right of Rescission,” Federal law requires a contractor to give you written notice of your right to, without penalty, cancel a contract within three business days of signing, provided it was solicited at some place other than the contractor’s place of business or appropriate trade premises.
    Make sure financial terms are understood and spelled out in the contract. The total price, payment schedule, and any cancellation penalty should be clear. A warranty covering materials and workmanship for a minimum of one year should be written into the contract. The warranty must be identified as either "full" or "limited." The name and address of the party who will honor the warranty (contractor, distributor or manufacturer) must be identified. Make sure the time period for the warranty is specified.
    A binding arbitration clause is also a good inclusion in the event a disagreement occurs. Arbitration may enable you to resolve disputes without costly litigation. Thoroughly review the entire contract and be certain you understand it before signing it. Consider the scope of the project and make sure all items you’ve requested are included. If you do not see a specific item in the contract, consider it not included. Never sign an incomplete contract. Always keep a copy of the final document for your records.
    If you do run into a problem with a contractor, you can file a complaint with Fairfax County at http://www.fairfaxcounty.gov/consumer/.
  • chevron_rightAre minibikes allowed on the streets?
    Posted on Sep 27, 2010
    A pocket bike or pocket rocket is a motorcycle designed for children or teenagers. To be considered a moped and be legal for the streets, the law requires that the seat be at least 24 inches high and the motor be no more than 50 CC's. A 50 CC engine will reach top speeds of 35 to 40 miles per hour. Any engine larger than that, reaching speeds higher than that will be considered a motorcycle and require a license, registration and VIN number.
    "Motor-driven cycle" means every motorcycle that has a gasoline engine that (i) displaces less than 150 cubic centimeters; (ii) has a seat less than 24 inches in height, measured from the middle of the seat perpendicular to the ground; and (iii) has no manufacturer-issued vehicle identification number.
    No person shall operate a motor-driven cycle on or over any public highway in the Commonwealth.
    ("Highway" includes streets and roads, § 46.2-100.)
  • chevron_rightHow can we get a new street sign?
    Public street name signs are maintained by the Department of Public Works and Environmental Services. For more information please call the County Sign Shop at 703-877-2800, TTY 711. To report a problem (e.g., missing sign, bent pole, etc.), call the Sign Shop or submit the information using the on-line Street Name Sign Maintenance Form.
  • chevron_rightHow can we get new stop/yield/etc. signs?
    Traffic signs and signals are maintained by the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT). For more information, contact VDOT at 1-800-FOR-ROAD (367-7623), TTY 711.
  • chevron_rightHow do I get a pothole fixed?
    Requests for fixing potholes can be made by any individual via the VDOT page: 
    You can also contact the VDOT Customer Service Center 24 hours a day, 7 days a week at 1-800-FOR-ROAD (800-367-7623)
    It is helpful to have as much information as possible when submitting such as the exact address or closest cross street. VDOT has been quick to respond to requests via this method.
    The Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) provides services such as:
                Filling potholes
                Drainage culvert cleaning and repair
                Guardrail repair
                Traffic lights
                Animal, tree and debris removal from roadway
                Shoulder Repair
  • chevron_rightSidewalk Repair
    Who maintains the sidewalks and trails in the county?
    Most sidewalks in the right-of-way along public streets are maintained by the state or the county.  Sidewalks along private roads are property owner or homeowner association responsibility.  Trails (asphalt, stone dust, wood chip, or natural surface) fall under many different jurisdictions including the state, the county, Fairfax County Public Schools, Fairfax County Park Authority, Northern Virginia Regional Park Authority and homeowner associations.  For maintenance of a state-maintained sidewalk, please contact the Virginia Department of Transportation at 1-800-FOR-ROAD (367-7623), TTY 711; for maintenance of a county sidewalk or trail, please use the Walkway Maintenance Request Form.  For further information, please see the walkways information page.
    How can I find out who maintains particular streets, sidewalks or trails?
    For assistance in determining maintenance responsibility for a street, sidewalk or trail, please contact the Maintenance & Stormwater Management Division at 703-877-2800, TTY 711.
    Copied from
  • chevron_rightSnow Removal
    Fox Mill Estates is a community that has VDOT maintained streets, with only a limited few exceptions. Residential streets cleared by VDOT will not be plowed until the snow event has ended, and they are allowed another 24 hours or more after that time to plow. This may create a delay of time for the plows getting into the community for several days. It may put a strain on your ability to get out onto the main roads.
    The best plan is to stay home and not venture out on the roads unless it is absolutely necessary. If you get stuck out there, you could be waiting hours in the cold for assistance. Please keep in mind that many area businesses may be closed during the snow event.
    While the streets are maintained by VDOT, it is still the responsibility of every homeowner to clear the sidewalk adjacent to the property. Some elderly residents may need assistance. Please be willing to help out a neighbor or hire out an able-bodied high school student. Working together creates communities.
    VDOT reminds residents of the following:
    * The main, more heavily traveled roads in a subdivision will be plowed first, to be followed by low-volume roads and cul-de-sacs.
    * Plows will make one or two trips to provide a path through neighborhood streets, but they will not clear to bare pavement or from curb to curb.
    * Because chemicals are not used in subdivisions, roads will remain snowpacked and rutted after the plow has passed. Crews will put sand on hills, curves and intersections as needed to provide traction.
    * If planning to shovel their driveways, residents should try to refrain from clearing the last few feet at the curb until your street is plowed, as plows may push snow back into driveways. It also helps to shovel to the right as you face the road.
    * VDOT does not remove snow from sidewalks or trails.
    * VDOT plow drivers have assigned routes that include each and every state-maintained road in northern Virginia.
    * Call 911 if you have a medical emergency and need to leave your home.
    If residents have not seen a plow in their subdivision, they can call 703-383-VDOT or e-mail novainfo@vdot.virginia.gov with the location. Photos are also welcomed. Crews will be dispatched to treat missed spots and problem areas.
  • chevron_rightStreet Paving
    All the streets in our neighborhood are owned and maintained by VDOT. For information about street paving, either:
    * call the Fairfax office at 703-383-8368
    * contact the Customer Service Center at 1-800-FOR-ROAD
    * check their web site at www.virginiadot.org
  • chevron_rightStreetlight outage
    Streetlights in Fairfax County are owned and maintained by either Dominion Virginia Power or Northern Virginia Electric Cooperative (NOVEC). In addition, the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) owns and operates the streetlights along interstates and at major interchanges.
    To report a streetlight outage to Dominion Virginia Power call 1-888-667-3000 (24 hour service).
    To report a streetlight outage to NOVEC call 1-888-335-0500.
    To report a streetlight outages at major interchanges to the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) call 703-383-VDOT (8368).
    To report traffic light problems to the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) call 703-383-VDOT (8368).
  • chevron_rightWhat are the updates on the Traffic Calming efforts and the CPD?
    The board and residents extend our thanks Supervisor Cathy Hudgins and her staff for attending the October 2009 board meeting to discuss the traffic and parking issues in Fox Mill Estates. Many residents attended the meeting and had questions for the Supervisor. We discussed general and specific traffic flow patterns, problem areas, as well as the progress for the amendment to the Reston CPD, (Community Parking District) which restricts commercial vehicle parking within residential neighborhoods. We supplied an itemized list of intersections and streets to be studied for safety concerns, along with suggested changes.
    In discussing the overall traffic patterns and concerns, one theme above all, became clear: SPEED. The speed limit throughout the neighborhood is 25 mph. Upon entering Fox Mill at Viking Dr, McLearn, Pinecrest, Keele, and Farthingale, the speed limit is 25 mph. We cannot emphasize enough the importance of observing the posted speed limit, and we have requested increased police enforcement with both speeding and ‘rolling through’ Stop signs. Fox Mill Estates is a suburban residential neighborhood, and our streets must be safely shared with bicycles, pedestrian, pets, children, buses, utility and trash hauling vehicles. Drivers must be patient and not just zoom around larger vehicles because they “are in a hurry”. Passing a bus or large vehicle can be done ONLY when it is safe to do so.
    Another area of discussion was parking near the school. Residents who live near and across from the school shared their frustration with cars parking in their driveways, or such that the car is blocking the driveway and/or the mailboxes. The result is their inability to leave or enter their own driveways or have their mail delivered. County Parking Restrictions prohibit parking within 10 feet on either side of a driveway (which is usually where one locates a mailbox). If you are visiting the school, do not park in a private driveway, or so that you are blocking a driveway or mailbox. Curb parking is another area of enforcement that we have requested from the police department. They may paint the curbs indicating where NOT to park, or create marked parking spaces. Please park in a legal parking spot, starting with the parking lot provided on the school property.
    While the county is still studying several items on our list, they have made some recommendations that will go to the Board of Supervisors for approval. The two biggest changes would be installing Multi-Way Stops on Quincy Adams Drive at Wendell Holmes Road and McLearn Road to reduce speed and make the intersections safer. Also, we expect our requests for “Playground” and “Children Playing” signs to be approved. UPDATE 3/2010: A 3-Way STOP has now been installed at the intersection of Magna Carta at Keele. Traffic leaving Fox Mill on Magna Carta must now STOP at Keele. 3-Way stops are now installed at McLearn at Quincy Adams, and Quincy Adams at Wendell Holmes.
    Regarding the Amendment of the Reston CPD to include Fox Mill Estates, the county continues to contact other HOAs within the proposed new boundaries to encourage their participation. Once amended, the CPD will prohibit the parking of commercial vehicles, along with trailers, campers, RVs, and boats on the streets of Fox Mill Estates. They are currently prohibited from being parked in the driveways.
    UPDATE 3/2010: The Board of Supervisors is scheduled to take action on Tuesday, March 23 to authorize advertisement of a public hearing for April 27, 2010 at 4:30 PM to consider adopting the proposed amendment to the Fairfax County Code that would expand the Reston Large Area Community Parking District. This item is moving forward because of a request by the Fox Mill Estates Homeowners Association.
    UPDATE 4-27-10: The County Board of Supervisors held a Public Hearing regarding the Amendment of the Reston CPD. The Board supported the Amendment unanimously and the new restrictions will go into effect June 1, 2010. The following vehicles are restricted from being parked on streets within FME:
    * Boat Trailer
    * Watercraft (boat)
    * Motor Home
    * Camping Trailer
    * Trailer or Semi-trailer, even if attached to a vehicle
    * Vehicle >= 3 axles
    * Vehicle with a gross vehicle weighted rating (GVWR) >= 12,000 lbs
    We would like to thank all of the many residents from Fox Mill and Fox Mill 2 who have helped to identify areas of concern in the traffic flow for the county to study. As more recommendations are made, we will share that information with the communities.
    UPDATE 4/2014: A recommendation was made to the FMEHA Board regarding the installation of "$200 Additional Fine for Speeding" signs for Viking Drive and Pinecrest Road due to concern over the continued speeding and cut-through traffic in our neighborhood.  We are pleased to announce that The Board of Supervisors approved the “$200 Additional Fine for Speeding” signs on Viking Drive from Lawyers Road to Pinecrest Road, and Pinecrest Road from Fox Mill Road to the end of the road. The signs have been installed and the new fines are now in effect.